You are enough. How often do we tell ourselves that we are enough? What does “enough” mean?

It doesn’t mean you are complete, finished, that you have accomplished everything you wanted, that you are done with learning, growing, and expanding your horizons, evolving your thoughts.

It doesn’t mean you are perfect, flawless, omnipotent, and powerful. It doesn’t mean you are everything to everyone.

It simply means you are enough, as you are right now, in the place you are, just as the Creator made you to be. You don’t have to do anything else to earn the label of “enough.” It is so right now.

When you can hold “I am enough” in your heart and mind you can push through doubts that bubble up when you make a mistake, or need help, or fail at something. You know being “enough” doesn’t mean world events will go your way and you’ll get everything you want.

It doesn’t mean you don’t need people, experiences, or things. It simply means you are grateful for what you have and can acknowledge all that you have right where you are, right now.

It means you know your flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections are not a reflection of your value and worth but simply a reflection of your humanness. They are all just a part of your story and your journey.

When others call you out on their perception of your flaws and imperfections it doesn’t mean their observations are necessarily true because you know what you’re working on every day. Their words may sting but because you are holding “I am enough” in your heart, you can move past the sting. You will continue being you, flaws and all.

When you were born, you were enough then and you are enough now. You were a perfect little human being then and you are enough now. You were a reason to smile then, and you are reason enough to smile now. You were enough in every way then, and you are enough now. You didn’t have to prove yourself then and you don’t have to prove yourself now.

Does this all mean you shouldn’t be more of something? Absolutely not. I want to be more intentional, more loving, more present, more expressive, more flexible, more playful, more grateful. But knowing “I am enough” says I no longer work at trying to be more worthy in someone else’s life, or more loved, or more needed. That is their issue. I am already all those things right here, right now. I am already me – beautiful, imperfect, broken, mended, a child of the most high God, me.

Whatever you choose for you is right. You cannot get it wrong. You cannot fail at being you because nobody else can be you. You are enough. You have you down perfectly. You are enough. Appreciate that you are an outstanding and complete success at being you. You are enough.

So, keep getting up, getting dressed, and showing up in your life every day. That’s it…that’s all you must do.

You were enough before, you are enough now, and you will continue to be enough as you become more of who you were made to be.

Live bravely.

You are enough.

You are enough.

You are enough.